Apple’s System 7.5 includes “Macintosh Drag and Drop,” a new facility for moving information inside and between Macintosh applications. Fetch 3.0 takes advantage of this facility to make moving files, bookmarks, text, and preference information as convenient as possible. Drag and drop is available in the following situations:
• To download a remote file or directory, drag it from a file list or bookmark list to a Finder icon, window, or the desktop.
• To delete a remote file or directory, drag it from a file list to the Finder trash.
• To upload a file or folder, drag it to a transfer window or directory bookmark (in a bookmark list).
• To create a bookmark for a remote item drag it to a bookmark list window.
• To create a bookmark for the current directory drag the open-folder icon to a bookmark list winodw.
• To create a bookmark file for the current directory drag the open-folder icon to a Finder icon, window, or the desktop.
• Dragging bookmarks between bookmark list windows moves them (or copies them if the Option key is held down).
• To delete a bookmark from a bookmark list drag it to the Finder trash.
• To copy the URL of a remote item or bookmark drag it to an application that accepts text drags (such as NewsWatcher or BBEdit).
• Selected text can be dragged from text windows.
• To specify the download folder, drag a Finder file or folder icon to the Preferences checkbox.
• To specify the default type and creator bytes, drag a Finder file icon to the Preferences text fields.
• To specify your preferred text editor drag its icon or the icon of one of its documents to the Preferences text editor pop-up menu.